You Are Enough

In the wake of Tay Tay mania, a singer worth checking out is Lauren Daigle, an American singer who straddles the Christian music and contemporary music scenes. She sings a song called You Say. It’s worth a listen. She has an excellent voice and lyrics worth listening to. Her first verse will resonate with everyone who has ever questioned their own understanding of themselves. Every time anyone has questioned whether they will measure up, every voice inside that says ‘you’re not enough’.

These are questions that most of us ask at some stage, however, she begins to answer in the chorus by singing ‘You say I am loved when I can't feel a thing, You say I am strong when I think I am weak’. The thing that matters is how God sees her, how He values her. These are affirmations that every person needs to hear, whether you wear your heart on your sleeve or are a closed book. It is good news for everyone to hear that they are loved, even when they might not feel it. It is good news for everyone to hear that they belong, even when they might not feel it. It is good news for everyone to hear that they are held, even though they feel like they’re falling short.

The reason for Lauren’s confidence can be found in history. About 2000 years a man called Jesus lived, walked the earth, challenged the leaders of his time, was wrongly accused, put to death and laid in a tomb. Three days later, that tomb was empty, and the women who were expecting it to be occupied found it empty. Easter is the time we remember the death and resurrection of Jesus, and Good Friday is the day of Jesus’ crucifixion. It is the defining moment in the Christian story where God shows his love for all of humanity by dying in our place. Romans 58 But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

Lauren Daigle’s confidence in what God says to her is based on history. Easter speaks of God’s love for his creation – us. Easter shows God’s willingness to send his son, Jesus, to die in our place. The cross is where God says to humanity, I love you, I will hold you, I will be strong for you, and you belong. It is because of Easter that Lauren can sing the last lines of her song - "Yes, I believe, What You say of me, I believe".

I wish you all a blessed Easter, remembering that point in history where God truly showed his love for us.

The Reverend Scott Rowland
Senior Chaplain

Click here to view 'You Say' by Lauren Daigle

Photos caption: ELC students learning about the Crucifixion