Year 9/10 Performance Night

On the evening of Wednesday 14 June, St Mark's came alive with the extraordinary talent of our Year 9 and 10 Specialist and Certificate II Music students for the St Mark's Year 9/10 Music Performance Night 2023! Click on the link to see a condensed version of the event!

The Barbara Godwin Performing Arts Complex was filled with anticipation as the students prepared to showcase their musical prowess onstage to a live audience. And let us tell you, they did not disappoint!

The performances were nothing short of spectacular, leaving both the audience and staff in awe. The dedication and courage displayed by these young musicians was truly commendable. We couldn't be prouder of their achievements!

From mesmerising solo instrumentals to captivating vocal performances, and fun ensemble pieces across a myriad of genres, the concert offered a diverse range of musical experiences. Each student brought their unique flair to the stage, creating an unforgettable evening of entertainment.

One of the highlights of the night was the debut performance of the Year 9/10 Funk Band. They took to the stage with infectious energy and delivered a mind-blowing performance that left everyone wanting more. Trust us when we say that it's worth waiting until the end of the video to witness their incredible talent!

The concert was a testament to the exceptional music program at St Mark's. It showcased not only their talent but the camaraderie between music students. The dedication to music practice paid off for our students and the support they receive from their passionate teachers and tutors was evident.

The experience of performing in front of a live audience is invaluable, as it builds confidence and provides a platform for students to express themselves through their passion for music.

We invite you to sit back, relax, and enjoy a snapshot of the concert on YouTube via the link above. Witness the talent, creativity, and sheer joy that our students bring to the stage. Please share your favourite moments with us and show your support for these incredible young musicians.

Event Video Clips

Event Photo Slideshow