Rugby Report - Week 2

A tough fixture this week but that didn't deter our teams, who still gave it their all and kept smiling.

Boys Rugby:

Years 11/12 - lost 14-7

Years 9/10 - lost 14-5

Years 6/7/8 - lost 22-7

Across the board, the boys' teams faced tough opposition. They worked hard to get the points on the board. However, they were outplayed in certain aspects of the game. It was great to see players experiencing their first games of rugby. There were plenty of smiling faces around despite the result. The culture of the Club is developing nicely, and students are making significant gains in their rugby IQ.

Girls Rugby:

Years 9/10 - lost 29-10 - Quinns

Years 6/7/8 - lost 25-10 – Ellenbrook SHS

Both girls' teams had tough outings against Quinns and Ellenbrook. Special mention must go to Mackenzie for playing in both fixtures. Both the Senior and the Junior teams played some good rugby. It was great to see three girls playing their first games.

The girls' squad is growing in numbers and, as with the boys' squad, is developing their game understanding.