CAS Sport Results - Term 1, Round 2

Our form in the Junior CAS competition persisted this week as we secured seven victories out of nine games in round two. With our teams up against Irene McCormack Catholic College, our players demonstrated not only their skill but also their determination to dominate the competition in 2024.

Results for Round 2 are as follows:

Indoor Cricket / Indoor Beach Volleyball: Both teams continued their winning ways and are loving the games at both indoor venues. The weather never stops these sports!

Boys Basketball: One out of three wins was great, with our Year 7s having a hard-fought victory to keep their season undefeated. The 9s were involved in a see-sawing affair with our athletic team working hard but fell short by 3 points against some taller opposition. Our 8s lost again but played their heart out even though short of players!

Girls Basketball – Our girls basketballers are on fire! Another three wins means they are all undefeated. Our Year 7s and 8s had huge wins, with our Year 9s having a more competitive game but still being in control.

Girls Touch Rugby – Our girls were a class above, which allowed the coach to rotate players. Irene's girls got an invaluable lesson in how to play the game.

Year 7-8 Cricket – Our first-ever Intra game was held on the oval, and the boys loved it. Mr Davies created two teams, and the captains organised their players. The game was very evenly matched and came down to a 3-run win!