CAS Results - Round 4

CAS Results

Round 4 against St Stephen's produced a clean sweep! Unsure if this has ever happened but St Mark's won every fixture! (All 8 games played).

Highlights were everywhere but you can’t go past our Year 7 Girls Soccer team who not only scored their first goal ever, they then went on to score 2 more and kept St Stephen's to 1!

The other game that was important was the Year 8/9 Boys AFL playing in a must-win game that would help in their bid to qualify for finals. After losing to St Stephen's in Round 1 they trained hard during the week and had gameplay based around stopping one of their influential players! Stepping up were Tom K and Callum G in Year 9 and a host of Year 8s which included Lachlan C and Taylan P.

Round 5 Against St Stephen's

  • Year 7A Girls Netball - Won 25-21
  • Year 7B Girls Netball - Won 29-5
  • Year 7 Boys Soccer - Won 6-0
  • Year 7 Girls Soccer - Won 3-1
  • Year 7 Boys AFL - Won (they forfeited)
  • Year 8 Girls Netball - Won 33-3
  • Year 8/9 Boys AFL - Won 42-13
  • Year 8/9 Boys Soccer - Won 5-1
  • Year 8/9 Girls Soccer - Won (they forfeited)
  • Year 9 Girls Netball - Won 35-5
  • Senior CAS = BYE

Ladder positions and future fixtures can be found here.