CAS Report - Term 1 Round 2

CAS Round 2 v Prendiville Catholic College

Our second round of fixtures are complete with a similar pattern to Round 1. Our Girls continue to rule the world with another 11 from 12 wins! Saying that, the Boys' teams took it to Prendiville in all fixtures.


Year 10-12 Volleyball Boys Result: WIN 2-0

The Boys continued to work on their rotations, and it started to click as they won two close games. Josh served well, and Kai was at his attacking best. A great win that may start a winning streak!

Year 10-12 Volleyball Girls Result: WIN 2-0

The Girls started slowly but worked their way into the first game and continued into the second game. Ashlynn’s amazing jump serve was on show while Sienna and Saloni set the ball beautifully to set up our attacks.

Year 10-12 Touch Rugby Girls Result: WIN 8-0 (mercy rule)

Complete dominance again from our super team. They played well-structured touch and kept their shape to run away with a convincing win. Demi, Emily and Kira were outstanding.

Year 10-12 Basketball Girls Result: LOSS 55-93

What a game. This team was decimated, with girls being unavailable. Down to two players at one point, Coach Szostak was recruiting in the locker bays. She rustled up five players, and they gave it everything! Roxy was outstanding as the leader, but a big shout out to Asha, Zuleika, Chloe and Annika, who were amazing in fighting it out against Prendiville, who had seven players.

Year 10-12 Basketball Boys Result: WIN 49-39

Our Senior Boys were challenged by an athletic Prendiville team. They overcame a slow start to edge away with a strong 10-point win. Solid contributors were Tyler and Thatcher.


Year 7-9 Indoor Beach Volleyball Result: LOSS 2-1

Their first game of the season was a learning experience. Adjusting to the rules and learning to play with each other, they fought their way through three games, only going down 2-1. There was great team spirit, team huddles and lots of cheering. The team was well led by Luca, Indiana and Owen.

Year 7-9 Cricket Result: LOSS St Marks 6/48 St Stephens 4/80

The Boys took on one of the strongest teams and held their own. Mr Davies had the boys working on their fielding at training, and this paid off with some great catches taken. Jaxon batted strongly and bowled well in an all-round great game.

Year 7-9 Touch Rugby Girls Result: WIN 9-0

The score tells the story, Coach Limpitlaw commented that it was a team effort with all their hard work and training finally being able to be put on show.

Year 7 Basketball Girls Result: WIN 21-19

After a strong start, the Girls seemed to relax too much, allowing Prendiville to come storming home. Luckily our team held on for a nervous two-point win. Ella P had a great overall game.

Year 8 Basketball Girls Result: WIN 24-22

This team are coming together nicely. With a mix of experience, they are starting to gel together and notched their second win with a hard-fought battle against Prendiville. Ashlyn again led the team to a nervous win.

Year 9 Basketball Girls Result: WIN 62-6

The Girls were missing 3-4 players going into this game, but after some recruiting, they had an amazing win! They dominated on the scoreboard but, more importantly, showed great sportsmanship. Kara led the way.

Year 7 Basketball Boys Result: LOSS 25-57

Prendiville came to St Mark’s full of high-level basketballers. Our team, to their credit, fought out every contest. Next week poses another challenge, but I back our Boys to bring it next time.

Year 8 Basketball Boys Result: LOSS 33-52

The hall was full of sweat as our Boys tried so hard against a quality opposition. They never gave up, with Tyson, Kane and Freddie leading the resistance.

Year 9 Basketball Boys Result: LOSS 52-53

The team were full of confidence after a Round 1 win, and this showed early in the first half. Holding a 10-point lead with five minutes to go, our Boys lacked some composure as Prendiville turned up the heat and snatched the win. Tyler and Chad were calm during the crisis.